Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Banks rolled over today

Some Slippage in Retail

Besides the REITs, I am beginning to see some slippage in retail.

Long Bonds Are Getting Schmeissed

And REITs could follow.

Jim Cramer had a crystal ball on today's Atlas news.

Sometimes someone gets it just right and here is a case in point that merits viewing -- again!

Recommended Reading

Run, don't walk, to read Dallas Federal Reserve President Richard Fisher's Nov. 8 speech.

Fisher has been a consistent hawk, so the bullish cabal will reject nearly anything he writes/says.

Nevertheless, I thought his speech yesterday was sober, direct and reasonable, and it incorporated many the concerns that I have written about over the past month.

Asset Managers Are My Tell

My market tell these days are the asset managers -- BEN and TROW. They go up, the market does, too -- and vice versa.

I'm hearing that MT is in talks to buy X at nearly $60 a share.

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