Tuesday, January 6, 2009

yes, jobs' health is a concern; but buy aapl anyway

aapl traded lower on macworld machinations as well as lower itunes pricing. i think the market is thinking too much about 20 cents a song and not thinking enough about how much imac and macbook market share is going increase in the next couple years, or the fact that that all the iphone nay saying has been blown out of the water.

one interesting tidbit is that no one has mentioned how disgruntled many loyal msft office users are with the new release. and from my personal experience of the new office i would give it a "d" at best. i have felt over the years that office was one of the greatest software productivity tools of our generation. those days appear to be over now.

at this point you could run a good sized company with mac's, goog docs or open office org, and linux. and more companies are evaluating these choices every day.

bottom line, i see aapl approaching 10% computing share and you won't see the stock trade under $175 for quite some time. so i'm starting to build my position tomorrow, hopefully around 92 or 93.

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